Growth Track

Growth Track is a developed process for helping you grow in your journey with Jesus.
Step 1: Discover Your Local Church
Growth Track is a developed process for helping you grow in your journey with Jesus. Step 1 starts with Discovering more about New Life. We cover our Mission, Vision, Values and allow you an opportunity to Partner with us.
Step 2: Develop Your Spiritual Disciplines
Growth Track is a developed process for helping you grow in your journey with Jesus. Step 2 is all about developing healthy Spiritual Disciplines.
Step 3: Dig Into Your Leadership
Growth Track is a developed process for helping you grow in your journey with Jesus. Step 3 is Leadership. We will discuss your fit for ministry and how God has wired you to lead yourself, your family, your workplace, and in ministry.
Step 4: Deploy Into Your World
Growth Track is a developed process for helping you grow in your journey with Jesus. Step 4 is Sharing Your Faith. We will discuss how you can share your faith with others and see God use your story to impact the world.

Question About Growth Track

What is Growth Track
Growth Track in intended to guide you to discover your redemptive purpose and live the life that god created just for you.
You can jump into any of our steps as they come available.
Step 1 is required to become a Partner.
Growth Track is not required however it is a great place to jump in and get involved